宇宙年龄已达 {{ game.universeAge.toTime() }} 之久
(现实时间每秒等于本宇宙时间的 {{overallSpeed.toTime()}} )
对此层级以上层级的加成倍率: {{ timeLayerMult[0] }} 倍
此层级的时间流逝速度为现实时间的 {{ timeLayerSpeed[0] }} 倍
您拥有 {{game.spaceFoam.beautify(2)}} 米的空间泡沫
Space Foam is a timeless quantity 每次空间压缩可将空间压缩为原来的 {{spaceCompBase}}%
您进行了 {{game.spaceComp.beautify()}} 次空间压缩,可将时空压缩 {{spaceCompEffect}} 倍
公式加强的升级还可以使空间能量乘以 {{game.spaceComp.minus(12).pow(game.stinc(18)?getSpacetimeCompEffect():1).beautify()}}
您拥有 {{game.spacetime.beautify(game.galChal==1&&game.achievement.includes(37)?Infinity:2)}} 米-秒的时空泡沫
您每秒可获得 {{spacetime.rate.beautify(game.galChal==1&&game.achievement.includes(37)?6:2)}} 时空泡沫 您有 {{game.spacetimeComp.beautify()}} 个时空压缩器,可增加
{{spacetime.effect.beautify(2)}} 个免费空间压缩器及
{{spacetime.effect.gte(10)?spacetime.effect.log10().times(10).beautify(2):spacetime.effect.beautify(2)}} 个免费时间压缩器
您拥有 {{game.timeFoam.beautify(2)}} 秒的时间泡沫
您每秒可获得 {{timeFoamSpeed}} 时间泡沫
每次时间压缩可将时间压缩为原来的 {{timeCompBase}}%
您进行了 {{game.tempComp.beautify()}} 次时间压缩,可将时间压缩 {{tempCompEffect}} 倍
您的时间压缩器被限制为只有 {{game.tempComp.log10().times(10).min(15).beautify(2)}} 个生效
您核合成的时间为 {{game.nucleoTime.toTime()}}
核合成氘核发生于2分至 {{(EN(1200).times(game.SEU.includes(3)?spaceEnergyTimeMult():1).times(game.stinc(37)?getTempCompBase():1)).toTime()}} 之间

您拥有 {{nucleoLength().times(1000).beautify(2)}} 毫米的氘核
This adds to your base Space Foam to make it longer
对此层级以上层级的加成倍率: {{ timeLayerMult[1] }} 倍
此层级的时间流逝速度为现实时间的 {{ timeLayerSpeed[1] }} 倍
您拥有 {{game.spaceEnergy.beautify()}} 焦耳空间能量
它可以使您免费获得前 {{game.spaceEnergy.min(3).beautify()}} 个时空升级{{game.SEU.includes(4)?",并且使每项第1行的第三个升级效果增加 " + spaceEnergyRow1Mult().minus(1).times(100).beautify(2) + "%":""}}
它还使对此层级以上层级的加成倍率{{game.SEU.includes(3)?"及核合成上限":""}}增加 {{spaceEnergyTimeMult().beautify(2)}} 倍
您拥有 {{game.normalEnergy.beautify()}} 焦耳正常能量
它使每项第2行的第三个升级效果增加 {{normalEnergyRow2Mult().minus(1).times(100).beautify(2)}}%
它还使对此层级以上层级的加成倍率{{false?"及核合成上限":""}}增加 {{normalEnergyTimeMult().beautify(2)}} 倍 Whenever you go Spaceless, your space compressors are disabled and spacetime is divided by 1e60
注意: 由于正常能量不稳定,您的正常能量上限被限制为 {{game.galaxies[0].add(1).add(game.perspectivePower.floor()).beautify()}}
您拥有 {{game.starTypes.beautify()}} 个不同的恒星,最高拥有 {{game.bestStarTypes.beautify()}} 个恒星,此数值限制了超新星的上限
Blow them up for a temporary boost!
下个超新星将在最高拥有 {{(game.bestStarTypes.gte(30)?(game.bestStarTypes.gte(35)?(game.bestStarTypes.gte(40)?50:40):35):30)}} 个恒星时解锁!
第一个超新星的效果和恒星倍率为 {{getStarEffect().times(game.galChal==2?1:getSuperNovaEffect(1)).beautify(2)}} 倍 (您能最大化这个么?)
Spatial Compressor Autobuyer Maximum:
Spacetime Compressor Autobuyer Maximum:
Temporal Compressor Autobuyer Maximum:

Type in a number to set up a maximum of which these autobuyers are going to work up to
Set the number to 0 to disable the autobuyer. Set the number to -1 if you want to remove the autobuyer's limit
对此层级以上层级的加成倍率: {{ timeLayerMult[2] }} 倍
此层级的时间流逝速度为现实时间的 {{ timeLayerSpeed[2] }} 倍
此宇宙有 {{game.starTypes.beautify()}} 个不同的恒星,最高有 {{game.bestStarTypes.beautify()}} 个恒星
因此,空间压缩效果变为 {{getStarEffect().beautify(2)}} 倍
Create galaxies under the certain conditions to earn them! These galaxies give a boost in different ways!
您拥有 {{game.galaxies[0].beautify()}} 个星系 I,因此正常能量上限增加了 {{game.galaxies[0].beautify()}}
您目前{{game.galChal==0?'不在星系中':'在星系 ' + game.galChal}}
TIP: If you need to restart your current stellar run for any reason, you can enter a galaxy and then quickly exit.
您最高拥有的恒星数为 {{game.bestStarTypes.beautify()}} 个。尽可能多收集它们,以获得独特的加成效果!
{{"恒星 " + (Number(row)*8+Number(number)+1)}}
对此层级以上层级的加成倍率: {{ timeLayerMult[3] }} 倍
此层级的时间流逝速度为现实时间的 {{ timeLayerSpeed[3] }} 倍
此宇宙有 {{game.perspectivePoint.beautify()}} 点透视
因此每秒可以产生 {{getPerspectiveRate().beautify()}} 透视能量 (受到超过1点的空间压缩器的加成) 您拥有 {{game.perspectivePower.beautify()}} 透视能量
This multiplies Space Energy gain by x^5, multiplies
spacetime foam by x, and adds directly to your Normal Energy Cap
Also, by unlocking this layer, you keep the first column of each compressor's upgrade.
If you made it and bought the 1e100 PPW upgrade, you're at the endgame. Try to reach 1e42 Normal Energy at this point until the next update comes out, because that is the requirement of the next layer!
Each one of these Super Compressors perform a perspective reset when bought!
You have {{game.spaceComp.beautify()}} Spatial Compressors
Each spatial compression compresses space by {{spaceCompBase}}%
Your {{game.spaceComp.beautify()}} spatial compression compresses spacetime by {{spaceCompEffect}}x
The better formula also multiplies Space Energy by {{game.spaceComp.minus(12).pow(game.stinc(18)?getSpacetimeCompEffect():1).beautify()}}
You have {{game.spacetimeComp.beautify()}} Spacetime Compressors
Your {{game.spacetimeComp.beautify()}} spacetime compressors gives
{{spacetime.effect.beautify(2)}} free spatial compressors and
{{spacetime.effect.gte(10)?spacetime.effect.log10().times(10).beautify(2):spacetime.effect.beautify(2)}} free temporal compressors
您拥有 {{game.tempComp.beautify()}} 个时间压缩器
您拥有 {{game.superComp.temp.beautify()}} 个时间超级压缩器,可在非星系中提供 {{inAnyGalChal()?"0.00":game.superComp.temp.beautify(2)}} 个免费的时间压缩器

The game is autosaved every 10 seconds. Tip: By clicking a layer tab twice in the Stacked display will collapse that layer, revealing the entire set of layers. You can also change the layer display method to tabs, although this is uglier.

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您拥有 {{game.achievement.length}} 个成就!
Each row of achievements corresponds to a single Prestige Layer in the game
The last three achievement columns are full of rewards!